Our super white body lotion is made to repair skin damage, whitening within 2 weeks . It smells good and easy to apply
Organic turmeric face soap
Organic turmeric face soap
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The famous turmeric that everyone talk about I have it on pure
Organic lemon face soap
Organic lemon face soap
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100 gram Organic face soap made specially for face . Brighten your skin remove pimple dark spot put your skin even
24K Gold Face Serum / 100% vegan
24K Gold Face Serum / 100% vegan
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100% pure organic.Anti wrinkles anti aging and whitening dark spot.Can apply as primer before make up or at night before bed time .
Limena Grimel mini set
Limena Grimel mini set
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1 free face soap , 2 oz strong body oil , 2 face cream 4 body cream
Organic Goat milk face soap
Organic Goat milk face soap
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100 gram of soap This specifically make for face . Remove acne clear your skin lighting and brighten your face .
Organic honey face soap
Organic honey face soap
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100 gram of honey soap specifically made for face . Honey is known for giving you a nice color touched , lighting and brighten your skin evenly
Hand and feet big set
Hand and feet big set
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4 oz of dark spot remover (red cream) 1 oz roll on
Luxury face set
Luxury face set
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Come with 2 0z Botox in a bottle serum that removes dark spot . Cure acne remove dark spot . Brighten your skin . 2 oz of face cream . And a 100 face gram soap
Mini set blondelight
Trap 2 extra strong grimel set medium
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siw vle bel grimel achte m . 8 oz of strong sling lighting lotion . 4 oz strong body oil . 2oz goodly yellow face cream. 1 face soap 1 jumbo body soap . This for grimel siw vle grimel...
4 jumbo papaya tumeric carrots soap
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Those soaps are handmade in the us . And are extremely good for skin whitening and rejuvenation
Jumbo skin body soap
4 oz Lighting Face cream only
Grandfanm moun nwa / exema set big set all in 1
Grandfanm moun nwa / exema set big set all in 1
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ALL IN 1 🙏🏽Congratulations you’ve reach the grandfanm set . 16 oz of body lotion. 8 0z of oil 4 oz of face cream 4 of dark spot remover. 2 of face serum one dark nucles serum 2 body soap...
Grand diva Jumbos grimel SET
Grand diva Jumbos grimel SET
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16 oz body lotion . 8 oz of body oil 4 oz of face cream of dark spot remover. 1 body soap